this may sound weird…

“Ok so this may sound weird, but I am gonna be sad when my necklace is done I love when I come there and talk to you- you have a very calming effect and very positive and for me a neurotic person, it’s refreshing…. Xoxoxo”

The above is an actual email I recently received. No editing, no deletions or additions.  Straight from my clients iphone. What does this say about the woman?  Does this resonate with you?  Do you identify with this today? Or do you recognize this as an older, wiser woman looking back on your years as a young mother? What does this say about the work I do?

Let me start by pointing out that I don’t think of my client as ‘neurotic’. She is typical in many ways: busy, multi-tasking, keeping up. She is different in some ways: wanting to reclaim her joy, embracing her genuine nature and learning to slow down.

I don’t believe that when her necklace is finish that she will be sad. I believe she will have a constant reminder that she is the calming affect and she is the positive force in her life.  Plus, I’ve invited her to stop in the studio a few times a month to tell me what is new and exciting in the ‘real’ world.

That doesn’t sound weird, does it?

Love & Happiness,

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