
Client of the Month | November 2014

There has not been a Client of the Month for a few months now. I’ve been on the road. Starting in July I drove to Denver with an amazing woman, flew to Spokane over Yellowstone Park, spent a week in British Columbia, two overnights to NYC, a couple of days at the beach, long weekend in Maine, house sitting in Tennessee, worked a wedding in Delaware and nursed a friend in Houston. But when I met this woman, I knew I had November.

We are going to call her Mom. Because she reminds me of the innocent, the deeply connected and primal energies of being a mother. She came to me because she wanted something like something she’d been seeing everywhere. Something to acknowledge her kids, but not something everyone else was wearing and certainly not for the price
that the current fad being mass produced was costing.

We sat down in my studio and came up with what she liked, what she didn’t. Metals, sizes, fonts and finishes. And she trusted my guidance. Mom is Client of the Month because she is the quintessential mom. Focused on the kids and dedicated to her family. I can relate to that, but I also felt something else. The besieged. The drifting. The ‘wanting to catch a breath’ mother.

To Mom and all the other women out there, doing their best to raise children that have self confidence, compassion and humor, Thank You.
