do you believe in magic?

The short answer is yes. We all do. Magic is in our bones. Magic whispers to us that all will be fine. Magic creates the serendipitous moments that are often too extraordinary for us to even comprehend. Magic crafts the simple, stress-free flashes that we take for granted.

Magic is what happens when you plant a garden, serve a dinner or hug someone.

Magic is the only way I can come close to describing what happens at my bench, when the music is playing and the rain is a backdrop and I surrender the attachment to results. Magic is what resonates with people when they reach out to a SeaSalt necklace or slip on a recess ring.

Magic is what makes your body vibrate with exuberance and your eyes shine with enthusiasm.

Today, I encourage you to make a magic potion. A cup of tea, a glass of shrub or a goblet of smoothie. Put a spell on that magic potion.

As I drink this gift from the Universe, I give thanks for all that I have, all that I’ve been given and all that will be taken away. This elixir will release beliefs that no longer serve me. This elixir will allow me to forgive, myself and others. This elixir will support me in accepting my truth.

Enjoy the magical, it is what you are made of.

“Some say that sudden knowledge of mystical matters is accomplished only in complete quietude, or that Creator, in one of God’s many forms, appears only in orderly ways that are beauteous and picturesque, or that the mystical appears only in completely silent ways. All are true. Except for the ‘only’ part.”                                     Clarissa Pinkola Estes

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