My mother did not like me much. As a child I did not take it personally. In some weird way I knew she did not like anyone much and as I grew older I realized she did not like herself most of all. She died a few months ago and I was comfortable with her leaving the way she did. Watching and listening, as she made her grand exit, I had no doubt that as Marion Isabel O’Connor she never stood a chance. Perhaps in the next go round she will retain some of the trust and compassion that I believe we come into this world with.
For a long time now if you were strange, struggling or extraordinary there was a good chance you would be ridiculed, banished or burnt at the stake. This is still going on in various degrees all over the world, but there is a crack in the condemnation. That is where the light gets in. We are sensing the relief which comes when we stop judging ourselves, and criticizing others, for simply being authentic. We, collectively, are recognizing that our extraordinary value is inherent and not to be determined by a car, designer labels or flat stomach. That we are all connected despite our differences. We are walking out of the darkness of domestication into the light.
That light is inspiring and encouraging people to fight their demons. Now, more than ever, there are books, podcasts, workshops and therapists that are focused on helping us shake off the old dis-eased way of existing and guide us to a healthier way of being. A way in which we can claim our deepest damage, not with shame and fear, but with the wisdom that we are human and this is our experience. And when the fear is removed, the pure joy of being radiates.
Marion was aware of some of these tools, but far too late to utilize them. She went to the other side angry, bitter and divisive. But she left me with the awareness that I am living in a time and place that is perfect for fighting my demons.
En Garde!
Fighting demons? You might consider a piece of singular jewelry to inspire and comfort you along the way. If you would like me to design and make it for you,
I would be honored.