Amy Elizabeth Agnes Ragsdale, dhB

A Bucks County Pennsylvania girl, I grew up riding Oaky through strawberry fields and peach orchards, across creeks and into snowstorms. The lessons learned during those magical years have served me well. Dedication, discipline and gratitude.
You might have a mentor, someone or something, that supported and guided you along the way. Metal smithing is my way of acknowledging those that have encouraged and supported me.
I would be honored to design a symbol for you to wear, or gift, that continues that show of respect.
A terrible student in high school, I like to think I excelled at wild. Once I graduated, I held a series of jobs at racetracks and horse farms. A few years of mucking around and I made a desperate attempt to get on course by signing up at the community college. Here I did not fail at everything. I was scoring A’s in writing and photography but received an F in jewelry design.
Just goes to show.
Watch A PBS Television Video About My Work and Where I Live
Fast forward two marriages and four children. I bought a house in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Built another in Boothbay Maine. No complaints. If the Universe was going to help me grow up, she needed to send me some teachers.
And did she ever.
My current situation has me living in a 1904 Horace Trumbauer Stables. In the Stablemasters Cottage. Just another example of how the middle child of Marion and Martin’s seven kids, was blessed from the beginning and knew by thirteen that I was “The Luckiest Woman in the World”.

University of Ragsdale
A few years back I was dealing with a bout of worthlessness, triggered by the fact that I never received a degree from higher education. Then some voices reminded me that what I do have cannot be taught at any University. So, I created my own diploma and gave myself a dhB.
I share this to encourage you to listen to those ‘voices’. As a wonderful therapist once told me, “There are forces, seen and unseen, guiding, protecting and comforting you at all times.” Trust.
dhB stands for ‘decent human Being’.
Love & Happiness,