April, Where Are You Taking Me?

2012 has been extraordinary. In December I went to Maine to spend the Holidays with the kids. No sooner was I home when I was invited to fly out to Denver to celebrate Laura’s birthday. A few weeks into February I was invited to visit Barb and Tom in Tennessee, and since there was plenty of reasons to say yes, I did. Then in March I arranged a visit to the Marriott Ranch in Virginia.  It was a complimentary stay, including a two hour trail ride in the foot hills of the Blue Ridge Mountains.  Donna joined me and we worked out the last details of a horse based retreat called Quiet Road to be held at the ranch.
Check it out here.
Now it is April, and I am certain that I will be invited to some place outside of Pennsylvania for a day or two.  And I don’t think it will be New Jersey.  But I am not ruling it out completely.
Here are my questions… besides, “April, where are you taking me?“. Could life really be about intentions?  Could I possibly have some subconscious desire that is asking the Universe to treat me to such generous and sentimental holidays?  How is it that I could be so fortunate?  What can I do to reciprocate?  Who is steering this vessel?  There is a bubbling up of joyful anticipation for what is coming my way.  And it isn’t a person, a job or a new car… it’s awareness.  It can’t be denied.  Look at the trees that are bursting and listen to the rain that is falling.  It’s constant, effortless and flowing through everything.
It really doesn’t matter if I get an invite to fly to Austin or take a road trip to Nova Scotia at some point this month.  What matters is that I continue to appreciate the bubbling joy, stay aware of the splendor of nature and be patient. 

A good friend advised me the other day.  He said, “Amy, just remember, all those feelings, all that energy, all that power, that is all coming from you.  That is coming from inside you.”  

It feels like love.  And my intention is to share that love.  Appreciate that love and stay wrapped up in that love.  And maybe, that is where April will take me.

Happy Trails.

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