What can this foal, these babies and this puppy do for us?
Well, according to something that I heard about a study that was done by probably a University, looking at baby animals releases a chemical in your brain. That chemical is one that has pleasing affects and so ‘they’ say that if you experience three positive images for every nasty one that gets into your eyeballs, you’ll actually change the way your brain works.
You will be more optimistic, more generous, more happy.
Recently I’ve had to do some serious culling of my facebook friends, not because I don’t love them, but because their postings were outnumbering my happy postings. And even though I am no mathologist, I could tell, it was getting me down.
So here are some photographs that are predisposed to make you feel good.
When you are feeling good, doing your best and accepting the life that is unfolding before you, considering visiting my website and selecting something that will remind you of this beautiful moment. Give me a holler and I’ll wrap it up for you! A symbol of your joy.