I just wanted to post something now… watching the Phillies and a little distracted, but thought I’d start up again. A short blog, with some images, might be enough to get me back in the blogsaddle again. So here are the images…
Here is one from last summer, on the beach in Oregon. Will went back to UMass and had a fabulous junior year. He moved off campus into an apartment with three friends. The highlight for me was when he called from Trader Joes and asked what he should fix for dinner that night. So far he had the ingredients for clam chowder. I said, throw together a salad and get some good bread and that would be perfect. A few hours later his facebook posting said, “Great dinner, clam chowder and lobsters.” Why bother?
Nick, shown here on same Oregon beach, went with us as far as Calgary. We went by way of my Friends, Bill and Linda, who treated us royally in Kaslo British Columbia. I’ve known Bill since I was 14. He lived with a bunch of guys in a house they called “Easy Acres”. I think Easy Acres was a title they gave a bunch of houses back then. All I can say is I felt really honored to be accepted into their world.
So Nick traveled to Calgary to spend some time with friends. I made a few there myself. Evonne and Robert insisted I take the guest bedroom, join them for breakfast, have dinner and celebrate Roberts birthday… oh… the kids must celebrate too! If you’ve ever wondered if ‘the more the merrier’ is true… talk with Evonne and Robert. They really know merrier.So, that’s it for now…. I am leaving you with a shot taken somewhere in southern Alberta. Will must have taken it as we headed home on a windy Monday morning. Open road and big sky ahead.