Dreaming… as usual… big, wild and fun

Say hello to Turtle. Turtle is an inspiration to my friend Denise Shardlow and me. Turtle is what we decided to call the Artisans Tour that we are working on in Cheltenham Township where we both live right now. Denise is a fabric designer, check out her work here.

If you, or someone you love, is an artist in Cheltenham Township, please visit our site www.TurtleArtTour.com

There you can read about what we are up to and how you can be a part of it.

Meanwhile, the Phillies lost. I don’t have cable so I really wish that I could catch a win with the one game that’s on regular tv each week. But still, it was fun to hang out here with Will, fans spinning, cicada’s singing and the basic mid summer oppressiveness, that I would take any day over the “roll me up and let me sleep” chill of winter.

Talked with my friend Bet in Maine. Raining up there, but spirits are shining on. Bet has a fish fry, so if you are heading downeast, give her a visit. Nick called too, and we had a chance to catch up. Funny thing about my kids, they are real independent, damn good communicators and big hearted folks. All I ever wanted is for them to be true to themselves, and I think they are doing me proud… but all I can really ever have is the opportunity to be true to myself.

This here is a barn in Bucks County, and if I have my way, it’s going to be the site of a fabulous horse therapy program called Quiet Road. Think about it, a place out in the country where you turn off your cell phone, sleep in, read, ride for hours, eat good food, get a massage and regroup. A true Holiday. Right here in Bucks County.

And if I have my way, friends Darla & Lou Pompilio will
be in on the whole adventure with me. Actually, there will be many friends in on this adventure. So if you are interested, give me a holler.

Still on an adventure across the USA, just building up some steam.

Happy Trails,


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