At some point in their teenage years my kids started requesting that I bequeath certain possessions to them upon my expiration. The first item was a cast iron Dutch oven that the mother of my second husband picked up at a garage sale and gifted to me. That request did not surprise me. My children watched, and often participated, while I made many a dinner in that Dutch oven and I understood the levels of comfort and convenience having that particular item could provide.
Merriam-Webster states that an heirloom is something of special value handed down from one generation to another. That Dutch oven achieved ‘special value’ status through more than its attributes as excellent cookware. It was a connection to a time and a place when, although there was drama and trauma, I believe my children felt protected and connected. (Note: 2001- 2005 not so much, more on that later.)
Heirloom jewelry aspires to those qualities as well. For me it can provide a sense of protection and connection. Since I started creating jewelry back in 1985, I have been on a mission to offer ‘singular designs that are made to last and look good doing it’. The ‘made to last’ part is of vital importance for several reasons. I simply want to:
- avoid the disappointment folks feel when a favorite/significant design cannot be fixed.
- avoid the horror folk feel when they are told what a repair will cost.
- allow folks the opportunity to purchase, wear and gift jewelry that is supportive, soothing and symbolic.
No other design speaks more to this mission than the Guardian Cuff. Over twenty years ago a client purchase a 14k Guardian Cuff engraved with LO I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS. Her daughter now wears that Guardian Cuff and someday, her daughter will wear it. That is significant.

Ten years ago a client called to order another Guardian Cuff engraved with the names of her three boys. The one she had been wearing for five years had simply vanished. After looking for it over several days Cathy was feeling somewhat superstitious and in a weird way, naked, without her Guardian Cuff. For whatever reason I suggested she wait it out and it will show up. If she wanted, I would loan her a Companion Cuff until she found it. I followed that offer with a strange suggestion, “Check your linen closet. I get the feeling it is stuck between some towels or sheets.” Cathy did get a Companion Cuff, but she insisted that she purchase it. A week later she called, honestly, she really was somewhat hysterical. She had flipped her mattress and found the Guardian Cuff. That is magical.

A few months back
a client stopped in to see what her options were to commemorate her father, whom had passed away many years ago. Tricia brought with her a logo from the company he started. We talked and discussed her dad and looked over pendants and bracelets and then, I simply laid the logo over a wide Guardian Cuff and we both knew. We sent the Guardian Cuff and the logo to my engraver and he created a masterpiece. That is exceptional.

These are just a few
of the many Guardian Cuff stories that I have been fortunate to be a part of. Please feel free to post a story below about your Guardian Cuff. Every day, since 2008, my daughter wears a 14k yellow gold Guardian Cuff engraved with her name, as well as her three brothers. It once was mine, but it was the gift she received when she celebrated her 18th birthday.
Last year, on a whim, I packed up that Dutch oven and shipped it out to my daughter in Los Angeles.
Thanks for walking with me,
Please leave your Guardian Cuff story below! Thank You.