A very long time ago, back in 2010, a friend and I were reminiscing about how we met. It was through the familiar channels of friends, business and women’s forums that we had first connected. But she said something that made the beer come out of my nose. “I just assumed you had a trust fund.”
How she could have come up with that opinion, I don’t know, but it was intriguing, having lived at or below the United States Poverty Level for most of my life. Over the years the comment popped into my head every now and then, and in fact, this very morning I recalled it during a inner conversation that went something like this:
Amy: What a beautiful morning.
Me: Yes, another one!
Amy: Not to mention I have clients and appointments and a dinner at Paris tonight!
Me: See, you are a Trust Fund Baby.
Amy: Shit, you are right, it is just a different Trust and I’ve had it all along! Donna knew what she was talking about. Damn. (wave of something really yummy comes over my body)
Trust: firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something
Fund: an available quantity of material or intangible resources
Are you Trusting Your Funding?