On a September Thursday in 1972
my sister said, "Hey, you want to go to a concert with some friends tonight?" I honestly thought, violins, flutes and Igor Stravinsky, so, yeah, I guess so. That was my introduction to Jerry, Bob and a very large, happy crowd at the Spectrum. The next morning, while waiting in the soft rain for the school bus, someone mentioned that it was school picture day. Cool. Above, is said school photo. To the left is the one taken this week at the Dead & Company show. Below is a link to my favorite song of theirs, Ripple. I suppose the theme of this newsletter is this; life is astonishingly glorious and goes by fucking fast. Enjoy.
current events

Please consider following Ivy...
ivy_the_litter_retriever on Instagram. She is doing an amazing job picking up what people are letting fly out of car windows or the wind sends down the lane. Follow her lead too! We all need to be considerate of our neighborhoods.

Meet Claudia.
Claudia is a hard working gal who is currently attending Temple University. She is wearing a pair of black onyx and hematite earrings. They are not the most extravagant earrings, but they resonate with Claudia's self confidence and commitment to excellence. Isn't she beautiful?
Above is Hannah. Another hard working and dedicated woman who wears Amy Ragsdale Design. When she was deciding which style of echo ring to purchase, it was pretty obvious to us the answer was, both. The echo ring reminds us that what we send out, returns to us. Hannah can expect some great things in her future. Also, a beautiful human being, in many ways.

Ellen and I
have known each other for years but have not caught up for several. When we met unexpectedly last week she took one look at the 'wild wand' I was wearing and said, "I need one of those." The wild wands are designed to cast healing spells, and when used as a pendulum, can answer pressing questions. You do not need to have any spiritual experience to do this, as it will work for you regardless. You are simply communicating with your higher self, and accessing Divine Guidance when you do. Ellen came by Cottage #3 and this handcrafted sterling silver creation became hers. She is also an artist in her own inspiring way. Learn about that by clicking on her photo and watch the video.

Lisa is wearing
an assortment of Amy Ragsdale Designs, many of which were made expressly for her. Right after this photo was taken she won a large rock ring which works beautifully with the coral and stone "rear window" bracelet on her left wrist. On her right she is wearing a 'tangle of bangles'. Lisa has angelic energy, and she has an exceptional appreciation for cosmopolitan style.

Please consider subscribing to Insight LA meditation's YouTube channel.. Subscribing is free and with a growing number of videos, talks and meditations it just might be the source of support and comfort you are looking for.

you can
Couvert (ku-vere) You don't need a google search to learn about the damage plastic is doing to our environment and our bodies. It is time to step up and stop using plastics. Couvert is a sustainable and trendsetting way to do your part. A collection of 100% reclaimed items, washed, sewn and packaged so you can store your set of flatware in your vehicle or at your desk. Just like training ourselves to bring a bag into the store, we will learn to request no plastic utensils when we order take out or a dish of ice cream. Couvert is a team effort: Jenn Bohn is an Elkins Park resident and textile artist. She is a graduate of Moore College of Art and maintains the Instagram account of Ivy_the_litter_retriever (see above). Concerned about the copious amount of litter that she finds (and Ivy retrieves) around the neighborhood, Jenn is stepping up to help reduce single use plastics in our lives. As many of you know I am also an Elkins Park resident. An avid thrift shopper, the idea of promoting reusable sets of flatware came to me many years ago when celebrating my 60th birthday party. Not wanting to use plastic, I gifted all of my guests with a set of cutlery, wrapped in a cloth napkin to use during the celebration and to take with them. I am happy to report that those first sets of Couvert are now in glove boxes from Los Angeles to Boothbay Harbor. You can get yours by contacting me or going to a thrift shop and making one yourself. If you are interested in purchasing from me, they are $9 each or two for $15. I haven't figured out shipping yet, but we can work it out.

These last few weeks
have been fabulously busy and fun. I hope you are celebrating this wild ride with family, friends and your tribe as well as some moments of serene solitude. Get out to hear live music, dance, meditate and hug. If you need any handcrafted sterling symbols of your devotion, successes and goals, dial me up! I would love to design something for you that will resonate with your beautiful spirit and last for lifetimes.
Thanks for walking with me,
No longer on social media,
I sure would appreciate it if you
would be willing to share my blog.
Hey there sister.
Love hanging out with you on you site.
Its been a whirlwind summer……..
some good, some a challenge.
in a bit of a creators slump but hoping some sleep will rectify that.
lets talk sometime.
I have a shitty phone plan, but can receive calls cheaply.
Skpe sucks here, as does our internet.
I do like Zoom though.
Love to you.
ps… watched the video…. so fucking awesome to see your face and place in this crazy ole world.
Amy..was moved to check and see where in the world you are..and found you! What a wonderful place you seem to be in – happy, healthy and still waving your big heart. You brave soul! How very beautiful you are. And you always were. Your creativity with your jewelry reflects that. I knew you when – you lived in Boothbay Harbor, you had 2 young sons and you were making your jewelry downtown. You were spending some time with a man with a boat then whom we both knew. You were preparing to find your wings and fly. So you did! I enjoy your blog and look forward to the time when we can meet again. Meantime, I intend to peruse your fine work and imagine a special piece for myself!