Chances are if you paying attention, if you have some relative awareness about the world around you, you might be feeling a bit stressed. If you are supremely blessed to be living in a state of bliss, you have reached nirvana and are an enlightened being, hey, I am honored you are reading my little blog. For the rest of us, those who have a low grade grief running in the not so back, background, this is a hug and some encouragement.
Today, like many days in the past two years, I started weeping. Today; New Zealand. Last week; kids in cages, before that, well, I don’t have to tell you. Tears of relief when things seem to be going in a healing direction, tears of grief when corruption is blatant and accepted. When an average day can spin words such as “legacy”, “fairness” and “love” into a mire of deprecation, injustice and arrogance, you know in your bones, there is something going on.
Could that something be a natural part of the healing process? I am going to accept that it is.
From Lao Tzu we read,
“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes.
Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow.
Let reality be reality.
Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”
So with a sincere smile and genuine hug I wish for you a day in which you feel some sunshine, get in touch with your innate freedom and behold a little flower.
Here are two links to great suggestions about how to cope.

Upcoming Events?
If you have a graduation, Mother’s Day or wedding gift purchase in your future, please consider my work. This beautiful woman recently borrowed her mother’s earrings to wear to her prom. I appreciate a piece of jewelry that will last, holding a sweet story of who wore it, when. Don’t you? Click on the image to see some designs.
Please feel free to call or email if you have an idea for a creation, jewelry that needs cleaning/repair or would like to schedule a visit to Cottage #3. All consultations are complimentary. I do request that if you find my work acceptable, and you want to promote small businesses, artists and sustainable practices, please share this email with like minded friends.
Thank you for walking with me,