The sun was hitting the ground where wet leaves, blown aside by passing cars, steamed and filled the air with the scent of Indian summer. Oaky was moving at a steady pace away from the barn and across the railroad tracks. We were on our way. Probably without a final destination, just heading out. Then I received a message, strong, clear and undeniable, ‘Hey Amy, everything is going to be all right, in fact, it’s going to be great”. My entire body vibrated in harmonic delight. I glowed and smiled and then a voice in my head said, “Yah, you might have it made now… but you will suffer later”. As instantly as the ecstasy took over, it disappeared.
What happened next is the miracle. The joy came right back. I, at fourteen years old, made the choice to believe that everything is great and will continue to be great. That ride, on that road, on that September day sums up what I now call “Oakyville”. The place where everything is love, everyone is love and everything is o.k., just the way it is.Now I am not saying I haven’t been detoured and waylaid in the forty years since that fabulous experience. But I’ve been getting back in the saddle and I keep heading out. That, I think, is what it means to be a warrior. And that’s the way I want to live my life.
Listening to the Great Mystery, and letting my bones hear what God has to say.

Years later I made this sterling silver belt buckle to honor Oaky and to keep the memory of that day close to me. Strange but true, it gives me comfort and strength.