This morning I woke up with a feeling that was excitingly familiar. At this time the best word to describe it is fierceness.
Not one based in hostility and violence, but a fierceness based in passion and power. I haven’t felt this way,
with this clarity since the mid-seventies. It is tied to the way I viewed life when I was a child.
I trusted my perceptions and had an innate sense that all will be well.
I was most likely riding Oaky when I last felt this fierceness so deeply.

Do not dismiss those words..
‘all will be well’. Just sit with them for a minute.
When was the last time you deeply believed that all will be well?
That there is nothing to worry about,
prepare for or brace yourself against?
When is the last time you had absolute faith that the Universe,
God or your Spirit Guides had your back?
When is the last time you simply surrendered and let life unfold?

The description of fierce as “menacingly wild*” seems to apply to me since the way I expressed myself has often times been on the fringes, if not in outright opposition, of society’s norms. That never changed, but as a child I stood in that power, ignorant of my defiance, willfully being Amy. When I turned sixteen/seventeen I felt the full force of a cultural reprimand. Quickly I attempted to adopt the subservient ways of a lady. The first thing to go, healthy boundaries. That rejection of self, and disconnect from my true nature, did its damage. I was still me, but not all of me, not loving me me. Yes, that's me in the sunglasses.
* “So, the word wild here is not used in its modern pejorative sense,
meaning out of control, but in its original sense,
which means to live a natural life, one in which
the criatura, creature, has
innate integrity and healthy boundaries.”
Clarissa Pinkola Estes

However, if you know me, or have read my blogs, you know I’ve been digging up, uncovering and examining the trail that brought me here. Today this re-connection to my fierceness is massively wonderful and I wanted to share that with you. Looking at this photo you might think, 'there is a woman standing in her power". At the time this photograph was taken I was never more dysfunctional. If you feel that something in your past, or your families past, has disconnected you from your true, powerful self. Start digging, uncovering and examining your trail. The clues for re-connecting are everywhere. I sincerely wish you the best.
Click here for a song, a poem, a brilliant tune.
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I want to sell some jewelry.