social media detox

Like many of you, I’ve had to consider the pros and cons (did you know the phrase ‘pros and cons’ is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase pro et contra, ‘for and against’) of continuing a relationship with facebook, instagram and/or twitter. As a business woman, I thought it was an obligation. As a somewhat active person in my community, it has been helpful. As a mother, it ceased to perform its original Sherlock Hemlock objective. Today I made a decision to keep my accounts but severely limit my time on, even checking in, these platforms. Instead, I promised myself, I will devote the time and energy to a bi-monthly email to keep my clients and friends up to date.
This is episode one.


Let’s Start With the Nonsensical – My Hair

I’ve become really freaked out about all the plastic we make, purchase and throw into landfills. So, I’ve been contacting companies and requesting that they come up with alternatives. As a sixty year old woman I remember glass Breck shampoo bottles. No body bled to death in our house (from a Breck bottle). Since I was railing about plastic, well, it was more than a little difficult to purchase shampoo. So, I made my own. Boiled some ginger, squeezed in some lemon, mixed it in baking soda and water. Then an apple cider vinegar and water rinse. All glass and paper. The good news, my hair looks pretty good and seems to be getting longer. The news that is still up for ‘good/bad’ determination, the gray started.


Now for the serious.
Please Stop Purchasing Anything Wrapped, Bottled or Packaged in Plastic.



There has been an incredible amount of unrelenting pain in my left leg for going on ten months. (read about it here) From acupuncture to zodiac readings, I spent thousands of dollars, without improvement, then I came to a realization. I have a ton of anger about the way I’ve been treated by my family, especially my sister. That anger was kept pretty well under wraps, until recently. Now that I am exploring it and processing it and releasing it, yes! the pain is subsiding. To be clear, I’ve been acutely aware of the insulting behavior, my entire life, but the anger had never been dealt with. After all the anger is replaced with namaste forgiveness and acceptance Lord knows in what other ways my body may respond. In her defense… our mother did dress us like twins even though she is fifteen months older than me. Jeepers, I was bigger than her by the time I was three.





Guardian Cuffs

While taking a break during a night of Disco at Dino’s Backstage with “Legends of Vinyl DJ Hall of Fame™” recipient Chuck Favata, I noticed that there were quite a few of us wearing Guardian Cuffs. Each one was hand engraved with names, numbers and messages that are very dear to us. And a couple of them were 14k. If you are looking for a lasting, sentimental, solid gift for a graduate, bridal party or Mother. consider the Guardian Cuff.





Another Dead Body

At the end of January, as I walked around the estate with a couple of friends, we came upon a deceased man who had been shot in the chest. It was, and has been, a strange experience.  Then a few weeks ago, while walking around the estate with a friend (same one) we came across this Red Tailed Hawk that had been decapitated by an owl. What did Robert Frost say?





Haute Couture Say What

Strolling through the Hermes website a few months ago I saw a sterling earring, one earring, the left earring, for sale. $990.



Working for myself was not so much as a goal as an inevitable. I like the independence and I like the ability to construct a business that is sustainable and relevant. By offering the Jewelry Box MakeOver service I am doing both in a big way. Kate had a ring she loved, and although it was extremely sentimental she could not wear it. The design caught on everything and she worried that she was going to damage it or lose it. I asked if she would wear it as a pendant. The look she gave me explained that she couldn’t imagine how it could be a pendant. But she trusted me and I was able to make a few changes so that what once was a ring could now slip on a chain and be worn close to her heart. Sustainable and Relevant. Amy Ragsdale Design.                                



Last week I joined a few friends for the March For Our Lives in Philadelphia.




If you have seven minutes, please listen to this song.
If you do not have seven minutes, please listen to this song twice.


Thank you for walking with me.

Love, Amy

Please consider signing up for my bi-monthly newsletter type email.
I have stepped back from social media and am experimenting with alternatives.

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