Last Sunday I spent a good part of the day meandering around Northampton, Leigh and Carbon counties in beautiful Pennsylvania. As we all know, a day of meandering rightfully includes a stop at an inn. A bite to eat, a cold beer and then move along. All in all the day was a refreshing reminder of the beauty and history of our lush state. But two things stuck in my heart and head. Both involved scared people. People that were extremely wary of “strangers” and people that made it clear they were violently apposed to anyone who did not approve of Trump. I was more baffled than offended, but most of all I was disheartened. Darla, my meandering buddy, pointed out, “That feeling, my friend, is much of what I am reading about in the book, Peace Is The Way.”

for all of us to find ways to stay in love while we work towards peace.
“You aren’t asked to be a saint, or to give up any belief.
You are only asked to stop reacting out of fear,
to change your allegiance from violence to peace.”
Deepak Chopra
One request,
if you do want to purchase this book,
or any thing, please avoid amazon.com.
Just some random photos to remind us that life is short,
everything is open to interpretation and we are all related.
Click on the buttons below to listen to some of my favorite love songs.
Please feel free to post your favorite love song.
Thanks for walking with me.