“When seeking guidance, don’t ever listen to the tiny-hearted.
Be kind to them, heap them with blessings, cajole them,
but do not follow their advice.”
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Everyone has an opinion. Everyone has their truth. Everyone has their beliefs. This includes me, however, I spent most of my life acquiescing my perceptions, even as my gut was yelling, “wait. what? whoa!”. If you were older than me, I would concur. If you had more money than me, I would conform. If you had a college education, I would concede. This behavior is not foreign to most women, especially those brought up in the last 500 years or so. And it is not particularly a womens issue only. Many men grow up not trusting their guts and consequently live in doubt of their judgment.
There is much to do about
Once we learn to trust we can start the work of listening to our guts and make choices accordingly. As the Luckiest Woman in the World I can say that I have gathered a tribe of intensely strong and loyal friends who have my back and know that I have theirs. This is lifesaving stuff. No, I am not getting dramatic here… lifesaving is true.
Still, there are those who, for reasons I will never know, do the opposite. They are deceptive. They are manipulative. They are sneaky. Just when I feel like I am standing on solid ground one of these people shows up and pulls out the rug. After I beat myself up for not seeing it coming, I spend a few hours writing a script in my head to confront the infraction and heal the damage done. This is where I will most likely always get stuck. Some people don’t want to confront the infractions. They don’t want to think about why they did what they did or said what they said. They don’t see the damage they have done and they certainly don’t want to take any responsibility. That has left me feeling super frustrated and various degrees of angry.

This is where I want to learn to give up.
Well, not entirely. There is comfort in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. "We must accept finite disappointment but must never lose infinite hope" So I embrace the infinite hope and do my best to be kind and heap blessings. Betrayal will always sting, but you know what, that is just fine. Clarissa Pinkola Estes also said, “One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Struggling souls catch light from other souls who are fully lit and willing to show it."
I aspire to live in that fully lit feeling. And due to some act of grace, I have always been wired and willing to show it.
The images of my children are a reminder that innocence and naivete are not to be crushed as we grow older
but perhaps supported by forgiveness and acceptance.
Thank you for walking with me,