Winnie came into my life on October 27th 2003. She took my kids and me on some fabulous adventures. From Maine to Florida, California to Calgary, she was like a trusted friend. Last night, as I was headed home from a day of sitting at the Norristown Court House, the check engine light went on, the temperature gauge needle shot to the top and I swung her out of the bumper to bumper traffic on to a dead end street named Randall. There she shut down and some how, I knew we had reached the end of a long and joyful friendship. Tuesday, December 11th at 5:18pm. I didn’t panic or become alarmed. It was strangely peaceful. In fact, George, who lives in the house in front of Winnie’s landing spot, came out to offer assistance and invited me in to keep warm. Within a few minutes the tow truck showed up and not long after Sharisma was there, in bumper to bumper traffic yelling, “Jump In.”
I woke up this morning with a sense of sadness, but one that was cloaked in acceptance. This day was a long time coming and I will just have to learn to go on without her.

In 2010 Will and I headed west to go to a wedding in Aspen. From there we figured, what the hell, let’s go visit Nick in Davis, California. Will, Nick and I headed north, through California, Oregon, Washington and into British Columbia. Winnie was a trooper. From her windows we watched the beauty and magic of our landscapes, as well as took many fabulous photos. Will caught the bison below in Montana. There was also the Chicago skyline, the Rocky Mountains, Lake Louise and the Black Hills. Winnie had a little plastic Pooh Bear stuck on the dash. It served as her navigation and security systems since Winnie would never steer you wrong, and no one would fuck with Winnie. No one but time. I vaguely remember an hour ago as Chris from Diamond Auto said something about cracked valve cover and piston. It’s over. The end of the ride. Thank you Winnie.

As most of you know, I consider myself the "Luckiest Woman in the World". And with this deep felt affirmation I will face today and the future, knowing that the next amazing vehicle will show up when and how the Universe sees fit. Until then, I am going to see how long I can go without a car. I have a bike and plenty of good neighbors. The only real difficulty is getting myself up the 309 a few times a week to swim at the YMCA. That will take some strategic thinking... but heck, if that is the biggest issue at this point, I am pretty damn fortunate. That said, if you or someone you know has a good car for sale, give me a holler. Thanks for walking with me... (no pun intended) Amy