she reclaimed her sovereignty.

A long, long time ago, within the last ten years, my son informed me that I was using a “Fifty-Cent Word”, to which I replied, what the fuck is that? According to Merriam-Webster, a fifty-cent word is “an obscure word used to describe a simple idea thus making the user self-important.” The word in question was “bucolic”. No other single word seemed to capture the essence of what I was describing, and certainly would not have been as concise. He simply was not familiar with the word, and therefore it was fifty-cent to him.

Thus, the quest for all the fifty-cent words that I could embrace and utilize was underway. Aegis (e-giss) is currently at the top of the list. There is quite a bit of history around this word; the symbol of protection, holding mythologically supernatural and extreme power. Of course! To be protected by the Aegis is to be under extreme protection by a very strong force. Merciful angels, I have spent my life creating these symbols of sovereignty (50¢).
Just the other day, the summer of 1995, sitting by the public pool,
these words came to me.
“Amy Ragsdale Designs Symbols
that Embrace the Maverick and Attend to the Guardian”.

Through my handcrafted Aegis I receive extreme protection. It is a symbol of the guidance, support and comfort that The Great Mystery offers me. And it is a reminder that my dad. my brother and the many friends (on both sides) are cognizant (50¢) that I am a decent human being, doing my best.

Is there anything you would like me to create for you?
A pendant?
A pair of earrings?
A belt buckle or money clip?

Hey. Thanks for walking with me.
It is an amazing time to be on the planet.
If we all spend some time in nature,
avoid watching the news and stay kind,
we will be alright.
Dial me up if you would like me to create a symbol of your faith, strength or dedication.